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Natural Arthritis Pain Management

One in five adults in the United States now reports having doctor-diagnosed arthritis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

For millions of Americans living with the chronic pain of arthritis, learning how to manage pain is critical to health and happiness. With that in mind, here are several natural ways to reduce complications and pain associated with arthritis:


Those who are overweight or obese are diagnosed with an arthritis symptom more often than those with a lower body mass index, according to CDC statistics.

Take a load off your joints by maintaining a healthy weight. Weight loss has also been linked to less pain from arthritis, especially in the knees, which bear the brunt of excess pounds.


Evidence indicates that both endurance and resistance exercise can provide significant benefits to those with osteoarthritis, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

However, arthritis patients should typically avoid placing too much pressure on joints. Low-impact exercises such as biking, swimming, and walking are recommended treatments for arthritis. A doctor or physical therapist is a good resource for helping you make a fitness game plan.


No matter what precautions you take, pain from your condition is sometimes inevitable.

And when it’s severe, it can be debilitating.  Some arthritis medications mask pain, which may make it harder to gauge the status of your condition. A homeopathic medicine, however, works naturally with your body to ease suffering from arthritis pain. “Joint pains are common in my practice so I often recommend Arnicare Arthritis Tablets,” says Dr. Albert Levy of Manhattan Family Practice in New York City. “I feel confident in recommending it because it won’t interfere with other medications and homeopathic medicines, such as this, are one of the safest classes of drugs.” Arnicare Arthritis Tablets are quick-dissolving homeopathic tablets that relieve minor aches and pains associated with arthritis, specifically from stiff or swollen joints and flare-ups caused by changes in weather.* They can be a good option for those with multiple conditions. Learn more about Arnicare Arthritis.


Stiff joints can be painful. Stretch regularly to prevent stiffness.

Full range-of-motion exercises can help you stay limber and maintain function. Arthritis actually refers to more than 100 different kinds of musculoskeletal disorders that affect people of all ages. If you’re one of the millions of Americans suffering from arthritis, take natural steps to prevent and manage the pain associated with your condition.

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