Everyone knows about safe travels, but comfortable travels? Isn’t that an oxymoron?
These days, everyone travels—and everyone complains about it. But there are some readily available remedies to make your trip easier, more comfortable—and dare I say it?—even more luxurious.
After spending 25 years as a professional travel journalist, here are my tips for how to make a “bon voyage” even better. Everyone already knows about eye shades and noise-reducing headphones—but without these recommendations, you just might ruin your trip.

For more fabulous travel suggestions, read Debbi’s bestselling book, The Globetrotter’s Get-Gorgeous Guide: Diet and Beauty Secrets of Travel and Beauty Pros, Traveling Executives and Celebrity Travelers, the world’s first beauty book for traveling women and #1 on Amazon.com in the “Honeymoon Travel Guide” category. Also check out her beauty/well-being/travel blog at GorgeousGlobetrotter.com/blog.
Debbi is the owner of Maxima Marketing, a marketing communications firm near Boston, and a long-standing member of the Society of American Travel Writers.